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Classroom Organization

The way I organize my classroom is important for developing an environment that provides quality learning.  A well organized classroom will produce respect, efficiency, and accomplishment for students and the teacher.  When thinking about setting up the physical space, I strive to create an environment that is positive and safe, that will maximize learning, and that will minimize behavioral problems.  I set my classroom up so that I can make eye contact with all students, so that the students attention is on me or their group members, so that each student is able to see the front of the classroom, so students are clear from distractions, so that students are clear of high traffic areas and have easy access to frequently used areas, and so that students have clean and organized areas for their assignments.


The first week of the school year is designated for introducing and discussing Classroom Rules associated with Classroom Organization.


Here is my Clasroom Organization and Management Plan.  Within this document, you will find information found throughout this site, streamlined and organized into one document.

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