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About Mrs. Travis


I grew up in a small suburban community in Kimberly, Alabama. I attended Mortimer Jordan High School, in Morris, Alabama. While attending Mortimer Jordan, I made countless memories that I will forever cherish. During my years there I remember one teacher in particular who made a very huge impact on my life. Because of her love for Art, I learned more about the subject than I could have ever imagined. I give credit to this teacher for the desire within me to make a difference in the lives of children. My goal is to assist children in discovering their full potential in life and to gain knowledge in Art and Art History that can open their mind to a world of possibilities.


I am married with two children, who keep me on my toes every moment I am with them.  My husband is a Government/Economics/History teacher at Mortimer Jordan High School.  He is also a football and baseball coach, so we all spend a lot of our free time at sporting events!  When I have free time to myself, I love to be outdoors, catch up on my DVR, read, and plan parties!


I focus my personal artwork around photography, printmaking, and book arts.  I recently discovered that book arts was something I am extremely interested It has become a major portion of my current portfolio.   It is a field/focus that I feel I can personally express my ideas in new and interesting conceptual ways.

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